Terror Strikes the Fourth Grade!

It all started out so well. We went out on the field (school yard) to get the necessary ingredients for our cool terrarium experiment. We were given instructions on How To Make a Terrarium:

"First, get a clear and empty bottle. Second, put rocks in the bottom of the bottle (in order to drain). Third put black sand that has soil. Fourth, you put the seeds mixed with the black sand (soil). Fifth, you put more sand on the top of the seeds. In each group you have an amount of water to put in the terrariums" -- The Rainforest Toucan Girls AKA Keren, Arlette, and Karina

"The materials to make a terrium is using a coca cola bottle. the first step is, get your bottle and you have to put little rocas on the bottom. You have to put soil on you bottle and for finish, hou have to put the seeds on top . YOU COULD NOT START SHAKING IT you have to be very careful. You put water and not a full cup of water and you have to be careful with how much full cups of water you put in the bottle." -- The Pumas AKA Jennifer, Luis Jose, and Marines
"Para Nosotros hacer nuestro Terroriums (pun not intended) nosotros primero buscamos un pote, y despues le hechamos piedras, luego buscamos la tierra. Despues le pusimos semillas de maiz de girasol y lentejas, luego nos reunimos con Ms. Iraissa y le hechamos un vaso de agua yd espues lo tapamos." -- Los Anacondas AKA Massiel, Lucy, y Joel

"We learned today about Terrariums. For example we got a big bottle of soda but nothing in it. First, we put rocks, dirt or soil, and seeds to grow. Next, we put a half a cup of water. The other groups used 1/4 a cup, a full cup, and 1/2 cup. " -- The Panthers AKA Mike, Erys, and Adriano


"I hope we learn how it grows and how will it get air to breath" --Mike

"We hope to learn that at the end of the Science project we can see how the terrariums work and how the plants grow in the palstic bottles and how it evaporates" -- The Rainforest Tucan Girls


So as you can see, fourth grade started out gathering their materials and then closing off their bottles, only to open them each morning to water them according to the watering instructions given. Some groups had specific amounts of water to pour every morning. One group did not water their terrarium at all. But Lo and Behold! we weren't very careful when making our terrariums and our rocks that were supposed to be at the bottom to help drain all the water got mixed up in the whole solution.... AND OUR TERRARIUMS DROWNED. We came in a week later upon such a stench in our classroom... we asked ourselves where it could possibly be coming from... only to find out that the culprit(s) were our terrariums. They died. and the stench reached the heavens. We had used too much water and not many things could live under such circumstances... though some signs of life still existed. We soon found out that there is a careful balance between rainfall and.... flooding...

So we determined to make more terrariums.... with less water.... we let condensation do the work...and despite and a scary attempt at the life of our terrariums by an unknown suspect(s) [future research depends so heavily upon this project after all], this time we saw the seeds of our labor blossom! check out our terrariums!

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